By purchasing or subscribing to this package, you will receive an exclusive Discord role and an in-game rank, both of which will remain active for 30 days from the date of your successful transaction.
Wipeday Cooldown 3h - Kit Cooldown 24h
Access to exclusive VIP discord channels, and pre-wipe map viewing.
Skip Queue
Access to Sign Artist (/sil for .jpg or .png)
Static Backpack with (100 slots) (instead 4)
Shorter Mymini Cooldown 20 Seconds (instead 20m)
Spawn Scrap Heli /myheli
Access to Building Skins
Access to Chest Stack
Access to Suits Kit
Base Upgrade & Repair from TC (Wood, Stone, Metal, HQ)
Reduced Trade Cooldown 30 Seconds (instead 20)
+30 Homes (instead 2)
Faster Teleportation /Home /TPR /Outpost 10 Seconds (instead 20s)
Shorter Command Cooldowns 5 Seconds (instead 5m)
Increased Teleport Daily Limits 100x (instead 8x)
Access to TEST GEN KIT
Access to Suits Kit
Access to Private Recycler /redeemrecycler
All package purchases are final. Refunds will not be granted if you are removed from the server for rule violations. Chargebacks will result in your account being permanently suspended.
RustNite Servers reserves the right to make changes to the packages at any time.
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